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38th Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT

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Descrizione del corso
Welcome to the 38th edition of the International Vicenza Course on Acute Kidney Injury and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies. 38 years, what a long journey. We started with the idea of offering an updated course on the most important advances in the area of nephrology, critical care, cardiology and cardiac surgery. The course stands in perfect shape maintaining the same mission and its multidisciplinary nature. For this reason, the faculty is composed of more than 50 experts in the field coming from different disciplines and representing the top scientists and investigators of current literature. The Course will host an AKI path and a CRRT path that will be held simultaneously. A series of lectures and panel discussions will be delivered during the days of the course. Our task is to put together specialists from different disciplines in a single scientific event with a multidisciplinary approach to the critically ill patient with acute kidney injury and multiple organ dysfunction. Do not miss the opportunity to discuss with your peers and the most experienced colleagues and experts the recent advances and the basic information in critical care nephrology. For 38 years we have been your partner in education and science. Please continue to support us in our effort for a better patient care. Companies and Members from the industry of the field are invited to join the event reserving booth and spaces in the exhibition area.
Argomenti del corso:Acute Kidney Injury - Critical Care Nephrology - ICU - Sepsis - Pediatric AKI - AKI in neonates - Heart-kidney interaction - Cardio-renal Biomarker - Sepsis
Tipologia corso:Conferenze clinico-patologiche volte alla presentazione e discussione epicritica interdisciplinare 3
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze di processo:Percorso Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) che descrive l'epidemiologia, la fisiopatologia, il meccanismo, la prevenzione e la diagnosi attraverso biomarcatori e strategie di azione in diversi contesti come la cardiochirurgia, l'unità di terapia intentsiva, la cardiologia e la nefrologia.
Data:26/05/2020 - 28/05/2020
Azienda/Ente formativo:International Renal Research Institute Vicenza
Luogo di svolgimento:IEG Fiera di Vicenza , Convention Center
Indirizzo:via dell'Oreficeria
Crediti assegnati:0
Durata del corso (in ore):30
Quota di partecipazione:600 €
Responsabile scientifico:Claudio Ronco
Qualifica:Direttore, Dipartimento Di Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto Renale , AULSS 8 Berica , Vicenza

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